
Which additive mappings are Jordan isomorphisms?
11 March 2024, MSRC Colloquium, Queen's University Belfast

Analysis, Algebra, Topology,
22 May 2024, Inaugural Lecture, Queen's University Belfast

Answering Jafarian's Question,
9 July 2024, Banach Algebras Conference, Waterloo, ON, Canada

Additive spectrum preserving mappings from von Neumann algebras,
15 July 2024, 9ECM, Seville, Spain

Relative cohomological dimension for C*-Algebras,
17 July 2024, 9ECM, Seville, Spain


Cohomology for C*-Algebras,
17 February 2023, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
26 May 2023, Universidad de Cadiz, Spain

Interplay between Spectrally Bounded Operators and Complex Analysis,
21 February 2023, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

A Contribution to Kaplansky's Problem,
20 March 2023, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
30 May 2023, Universidad de Almeria, Spain

Derivations implemented by local multipliers,
3 July 2023, FAOTSA 2023 Workshop, Limpopo, South Africa


What is Noncommutative Functional Analysis about?
1 July 2022, Operator Theory and Beyond 2022, Krakow, Poland

Relative Cohomology for Operator Modules over Operator Algebras,
21 July 2022, Banach Algebras Conference, Granada, Spain

Strictly Singular Multiplication Operators on L(X),
7 September 2022, IWOTA2022, Krakow, Poland


Characterising Jordan Homomorphisms (online),
15 January 2021, 33rd Annual IMS Meeting, Dublin


Sheaves and Cohomology for C*-algebras (online),
30 June 2020, 2nd Zagreb Workshop on Operator Theory, Zagreb, Croatia


On C*-Ringed Spaces,
11 April 2019, Analysis Seminar, University of Glasgow
5 June 2019, COSy 2019, Regina, SK, Canada

Strictly Singular Multiplication Operators on L(X),
31 May 2019, GPOTS 2019, College Station, TX, USA

A Sheaf Cohomology Theory for C*-Algebras,
19 September 2019, 2nd Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebra and Noncommutative Algebra.
In Honour of Pere Ara's 60th Birthday, CRM, Bellaterra, Spain


On C*-Ringed Spaces,
22 January 2018, Algebra Seminar, UAB, Barcelona, Spain
11 April 2018, Lancaster Analysis Days, Lancaster University

Elementary Operators—Still Not Elementary?
20 June 2018, Preservers: Modern Aspects and New Directions Workshop, Belfast
10 July 2018, Colloquium, UNB at Saint John, NB, Canada

Factorisation of Strictly Singular Operators on L^p,
26 June 2018, Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications, Guimaraes, Portugal

On some Non-Commutative Banach-Stone Theorems,
24 July 2018, Colloquium, UNB at Fredericton, NB, Canada


Towards a Sheaf Cohomology Theory for C*-Algebras,
10 January 2017, Algebra Seminar, Oviedo, Spain
16 January 2017, Algebra Seminar, UAB, Barcelona, Spain

What is Noncommutative Functional Analysis About?
15 March 2017, Colloquium, UAB, Barcelona, Spain

Local Multipliers and Derivations, Sheaves of C*-Algebras and Cohomology, (5 talks [pdf])
27 and 28 April 2017, Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, Shiraz, Iran

A Sheaf Cohomology Theory for C*-Algebras,
30 May 2017, 45th Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy 2017), Thunderbay, Ontario, Canada
6 July 2017, Banach Algebras and Applications 2017, Oulu, Finland

An Exact Structure for a Category of Sheaves of Operator Modules,
23 June 2017, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Derivations on Banach Algebras---Old and New
27 November 2017, IT Sligo, Sligo

Sheaves of Operator Modules I&II,
1 and 8 Decmber 2017, Colloquium, QUB


What is Noncommutative Functional Analysis About?
26 January 2016, Colloquium, Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Towards a Sheaf Cohomology Theory for C*-Algebras,
17 March 2016, SOAR meeting, Aberdeen
19 July 2016, 7ECM, Berlin, Germany
15 December 2016, Colloquium, UNB Fredericton, Canada

Elementary Operators—Still Not Elementary?
11 October 2016, Analysis Seminar, UCD, Dublin
18 November 2016, Operators and Banach Lattices II Workshop, Madrid, Spain


Interplay Between Spectrally Bounded Operators and Complex Analysis,
9 January 2015, Infinite Dimensional Function Theory Conference, Dublin
12 November 2015, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Status Report on Spectrally Bounded and Spectrally Isometric Operators,
26 May 2015, Spectral Theory and Applications
Conference, Krakow, Poland

Operator Theory on C*-Algebras via Local Multipliers,
7 September 2015, MAT TRIAD 2015, Coimbra, Portugal

Spectral Isometries on Banach Algebras,
14 September 2015, UAB, Barcelona, Spain

Derivations on Banach and C*-Algebras,
2-13 November 2015, (12h Graduate Course), Carlos III University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Interplay Between Spectrally Bounded Operators and Complex Analysis,
14 January 2014, Analysis Seminar, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Derivations and Local Multipliers of C*-Algebras,
17 January 2014, Departmental Seminar, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Status Report on Spectrally Bounded and Spectrally Isometric Operators,
23 May 2014, 7th Conference on Function Spaces, Edwardsville, USA

C*-Segal Algebras with Order Unit,
27 May 2014, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2014, Manhattan, KS, USA

The Use of Sheaves in Operator Theory on C*-Algebras,
21 June 2014, Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal

Spectral Isometries on Banach Algebras,
26 October 2014, Analysis Seminar, Innsbruck, Austria


Spectrally Bounded Elementary Operators,
21 May 2013, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2013, Berkeley, USA
14 June 2013, Operators on Banach Spaces, Castro Urdiales, Spain

Spectrally Bounded and Spectrally Isometric Operators,
16 July 2013, Operator Theory, Complex Analysis and Applications, Guimaraes, Portugal

C*-Segal Algebras with Order Unit,
30 July 2013, Banach Algebras 2013 Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden

Derivations and Local Multipliers of C*-Algebras,
2 September 2013, Kangro-100: Methods of Analysis and Algebra, Tartu, Estonia
19 September 2013, Classifying Structures for Operator Algebras and Dynamical Systems, Aberystwyth

Interplay Between Spectrally Bounded Operators and Complex Analysis,
9 October 2013, Mathematical Colloquium, NUI Maynooth
11 October 2013, Mathematical Colloquium, QUB
13 November 2013, Pure Mathematics Seminar, Lancaster


When is the Second Local Multiplier Algebra of a C*-Algebra Equal to the First?
3 April 2012, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
15 October 2012, Mathematical Colloquium, UCC

When are two C*-Algebras Jordan Isomorphic?
30 April 2012, Jordan Theory, Analysis and Related Topics Conference, Hong Kong, China
1 June 2012, Algebra Seminar, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain

On some Non-Commutative Banach-Stone Theorems,
29 May 2012, Departmental Seminar, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain

C*-Segal Algebras with Order Unit,
4 July 2012, ECM 2012, Krakow, Poland
30 November 2012, Operator Algebra Seminar, QUB
17 December 2012, Operator Theory and Applications Conference, Oujda, Morocco

The Use of Sheaves in Operator Theory on C*-Algebras,
13 December 2012, Seminar, Universite Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco


When is the Second Local Multiplier Algebra of a C*-Algebra Equal to the First?
7 January 2011, ICATTA2011, Veracruz, Mexico
24 March 2011, Analysis Seminar, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

C*-Algebras of Local Multipliers
24 February 2011, Analysis Seminar, Universidad de Granada, Spain
19 April 2011, Dublin Area Analysis Seminar, TCD

A New Formula for the Local Multiplier Algebra
4 March 2011, Departmental Seminar, QUB
28 April 2011, Operator Theory and Applications Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Second Local Multiplier Algebra of a Separable C*-Algebra
24 May 2011, Canadian Operator Symposium, Victoria, Canada

Spectrally Bounded and Spectrally Isometric Operators
9 August 2011, Banach Algebras 2011 Conference, Waterloo, Canada
1 November 2011, Dublin Area Analysis Seminar, TCD

Derivations on Banach Algebras---Old and New
20 October 2011, Colloquium, University of Athens, Greece


Elementary Operators that are Spectrally Bounded
3 March 2010, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, Spain
9 March 2010, Joint Meeting of the DMV and GDM, Munich, Germany
22 June 2010, Functions and Operators 2010, Krakow, Poland

C*-Algebras of Local Multipliers
8 June 2010, International Functional Analysis Meeting, Valencia, Spain
8 September 2010, LMS Workshop on C*-algebras, Nottingham


Bundles and Sheaves of C*-Algebras
12 March 2009, Analysis Seminar, Nottingham
1 December 2009, Dublin Area Analysis Seminar, TCD

Banach Algebras have Edges: How Algebra can help out Analysis
4 April 2009, One-Day-Meeting, Maynooth

On some Non-Commutative Banach-Stone Theorems
9 April 2009, BMC2009, Galway
25 August 2009, Analysis Seminar, Waterloo, Canada
13 November 2009, Departmental Seminar, Aberystwyth University

Sheaves of C*-Algebras
26 May 2009, Canadian Operator Symposium, Regina, Canada
16 July 2009, Banach Algebras 2009 Conference, Bedlewo, Poland


On a Question by Kaplansky
7 March 2008, Departmental Seminar, QUB
23 April 2008, Departmental Seminar, NUI Maynooth

Spectral Characterisations of Jordan Isomorphisms Between C*-Algebras
31 March 2008, Operator Algebra Seminar, Odense, Denmark

The Maximal C*-Algebra of Quotients as an Operator Bimodule
24 May 2008, Canadian Operator Symposium 2008, Toronto, Canada
11 July 2008, Second Meeting of the Irish-Scottish Operator Algebra Seminar, Aberdeen

Spectral Isometries Between C*-Algebras
3 June 2008, Operator Theory Conference, Meknes, Morocco
1 July 2008, Operator Theory Workshop, Krakow, Poland
6 September 2008, Jordan Structures Conference, QM, London

What can the Spectrum tell us?
29 August 2008, Banach Algebras and Local Spectral Theory Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

There are More Important Things Than to Prove Theorems
22 November 2008, Workshop Semigroups Everywhere,Tübingen, Germany


A Maximal C*-Algebra of Quotients
2 February 2007, Departmental Seminar, QUB
6 March 2007, Dublin Area Analysis Seminar, UCD
25 April 2007, Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona, Spain
14 June 2007, Barcelona Conference on C*-Algebras, Barcelona, Spain

The Structure of Lie Derivations
17 June 2007, Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Functional Analysis, Gothenburg, Sweden

When are two C*-Algebras Jordan Isomorphic?
4 July 2007, Banach Algebras 2007, Quebec, Canada

A Multivariable Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
4 September 2007, IMS September Meeting, Dublin

Spectral Characterizations of Jordan Homomorphisms
25 October 2007, Operator Algebras Seminar, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
5 November 2007, Mathematical Colloquium, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada


Commutators with Finite Spectrum
18 January 2006, Colloquium, Catholic University Eichstätt, Germany
1 March 2006, Departmental Seminar, NUI Maynooth

What is Non-commutative Functional Analysis about?
29 March 2006, Colloquium, National Hualien University of Education, Taiwan

When are two C*-Algebras Jordan Isomorphic?
6 April 2006, Jordan Structures Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Jordan Isomorphism of Purely Infinite C*-Algebras
28 April 2006, Algebra Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Towards a Non-selfadjoint Version of Kadison's Theorem
16 May 2006, Function Spaces Conference, Edwardsville, IL, USA

Local Multipliers, and Beyond
25 May 2006, GPOTS2006, Iowa City, USA

Some Fundamental Properties of the Maximal C*-algebra of Quotients
31 May 2006, COSy2006, Calgary, Canada

A not so Simple Local Multiplier Algebra
5 July 2006, Analysis Seminar, Universidad de Granada, Spain
23 September 2006, Operator Algebras Conference, Leeds

A Multivariable Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
24 August 2006, ICM2006, Madrid, Spain

What can we say About Local Multipliers?
8 September 2006, Modules & Comodules Conference, Porto, Portugal

A Maximal C*-Algebra of Quotients
11 November 2006, Operator Algebras Conference, Rome, Italy


A Non-selfadjoint Version of Kadison's Noncommutative Generalisation of the Banach–Stone Theorem
5 March 2005, Operator Theory Workshop, Leeds University

More or Less Local Multipliers
18 April 2005, Algebra Seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

When are two C*-algebras Jordan Isomorphic?
15 May 2005, Heydar Radjavi Conference, Bled, Slovenia

'Non-selfadjoint' Isometries Between C*-algebras
1 June 2005, Operator Algebras Conference, Cork
10 June 2005, Fejér–Riesz Conference, Eger, Hungary

Answering a Question of G K Pedersen
19 June 2005, Canadian Operator Symposium 2005 (COSy2005), Ottawa, Canada
20 September 2005, Analysis Seminar, Trinity College Dublin
14 October 2005, Departmental Seminar, QUB

Local Multipliers and Beyond
7 July 2005, Banach Algebras 2005, Bordeaux, France